Mar 30, 2021
Brooke Kunkel
Opioid and Stimulant Drug Use

DRC Sponsor: Carson Eggland

Brooke Kunkel from Helping Services for Youth & Families will be discussing opioid and stimulant drugs. She will be covering different categories of drugs/medications, signs and symptoms of someone with a substance abuse disorder, Narcan use, and resources available in the area in order to combat the issue. During the presentation she will talk about the prevalence of these drugs in northeast Iowa. 

Helping Services for Youth & Families is a nonprofit organization based in Decorah that was subcontracted to work on the State Opioid Response (SOR) Grant.  This grant works to prevent opioid and stimulant use in the community and to promote the use of Narcan.

For more information visit the organization's website at


The meeting announcment, agenda, location and logistical information including Zoom meeting link will be distributed to all members by email in advance of the meeting. Please complete your meal sign-up prior to the meeting using the previous week's agenda information.