The 2017 Loop de Loop is in the books, the hard work paid off and it's time to rest and recover.
On behalf of the Decorah Rotary Loop de Loop team, thank you for participating in this year’s 6th annual event. We hope you enjoyed your time in Decorah on September 30th. It turned out to be a beautiful day for being out on the trail.
Every year the Decorah Rotary Club uses a portion of the proceeds of the race to benefit the Trout Run Trail system in some way. It may be needed repairs, new benches, landscaping or other amenities. The remaining proceeds are used for local and international Rotary programs and activities such as local scholarships and internationally fighting Polio. Thank you for supporting these efforts.
The 2017 complete race results are available at this link: https://jmsresults.com/ results/2017/loop17.html
New this year is a finishers video. The video was set up at the finish line and captures each runner as they cross the finish line. Visit www.JMSresults.com for more details. On this website you can also share your finish information via Facebook and Twitter.
A year-end participant’s survey may be found on this link. Please take a moment to let us know what you thought about the race and your time in Decorah: https://www.surveymonkey.com/ r/52Q5WRB
Thank you very much for supporting our event and here’s to 2018 - see you on the trail. Mange Tusen Takk!